Court St. Faustina Weekly News!

January 25-31 Happy Monday Dear

January 25-31

Happy Monday Dear CDA Sisters!

Some reminders for this week:

·        Monthly Meeting is Thursday, Jan. 28th 6:30pm in Lower lounge

·        Bring Valentine cards for our Priests and Seminarian, Cesar. If you like, bring cards for Fr. Wade and Fr. Ryan; I will deliver them all. You may also bring them to Feb. Holy hour.

·        Bring or mail to Marilyn Buddy System review 

·        Consider whether to attend the State convention on April 14-18. I will bring information to the meeting.

·        First Friday Holy Hour: February 5th at 1pm. In the church

·        Barbara Brummitt court sponsored Masses coming up:  Feb. 4 at 6:45 am       Feb 11 at 8 am

·        I also have Mass cards and will bring them to Holy Hour and meetings when Ana Gonzalez is unavailable.

·        Call you Buddy if they have no email to pass on this info before the meeting.

Take care and God Bless!

Isabel Campbell~ Regent

“Give your hands to Serve and your hearts to Love.” ~Mother Theresa

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