Court St. Faustina Weekly News!

May 17-23, 2021 Hello Dear

May 17-23, 2021

Hello Dear CDA Sisters,

Our Seminarian, Eugene Udemba, has graduated and is preparing to return to Dallas in a few days. He will be at our meeting on the 27th. Please bring your graduation greetings with you to the meeting when we can celebrate with him in person. We will be having a Rosary in the Rosary Garden that the JCDA sponsored at the beginning of the meeting to commemorate the month of Mary.

I will not have a Regent’s letter this month, but I want you all to know that relationships are profoundly important! Any relationship— family members, friendships, co-workers, interactions with church staff and clergy. All these relationships are God-given and are meant for each of us to find Jesus in the other person. Sometimes these relationships are extremely easy and loving. Often, however, the relationships are strained and difficult. It is in these difficult times that we need to look harder to find Jesus in the other person—and dare I say even ourselves. To see Jesus, we need to allow Him to fill our whole self so we can give to the other person. If we have the same last name, are in the same group/work setting or at a particular parish this does not automatically make that relationship easy. It takes work and understanding to build that relationship to the best it can be. Most of all it takes the love of God to bring life, healing, and vitality to the relationship.

As Catholic Daughters, let us use our motto of Unity and Charity to bring ourselves closer to those around us who need that hand of love. Let us continue to build our relationships on the love and forgiveness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I look forward to seeing many of you at next week’s meeting (Thursday May 27, 2021 6:30p Family Center Lower Lounge)!

Take care and God Bless,

Isabel Campbell ~Regent~

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