Court St. Faustina Weekly News

October 19-25, 2020 Good Monday

October 19-25, 2020

Good Monday sweet CDA Sisters!

We had a wonderful turnout for our 20th Anniversary Meeting on the 14th! We honored our Charter members and everyone enjoyed seeing their dear friends. I have had many comments on how enjoyable the evening was—even though we couldn’t “Party”! We “hear” you that you can’t hear us. Too bad we have to have masks on so you can’t read our lips—all joking aside, we are continuing to look into ways to improve the sound in our meeting space.

Another wonderful time was had at the Corporate Communion yesterday at the 9am Mass. Our Pastor, Fr. Guadagnoli, recognized us at the start of Mass; we are one of the few ministries that are permitted to meet on campus during these restricted times. Let us continue to be thankful and honor the privilege of being able to meet! Our Chaplain, Fr. Mark, noted our presence again and invited the parishioners to join us on Frist Fridays! Fr. Mark gave us a beautiful blessing assisted by Cesar, our Pastoral year Seminarian. I think we were impressive looking to our fellow Parishioners in our Court Sashes. Let us remain impressive in prayer and service to our Church community! Fr. G. joined us in our group photo– I had a sneak peek at the pictures and they are very nice!

Speaking of photos, I have attached a picture of my son and I after his wedding ceremony if you would like to see it.

Linda gave me a note which we failed to read at the meeting—it is attached for all to read.

I spoke with our sister, Charlene and she is doing well following her surgery for breast cancer last week. She said the doctor told her they got all the cancer and she will have a series of radiation treatments in the next couple of months. Charlene wanted me to tell all her CDA sisters that she so appreciates and is overwhelmed by all the prayers; she credits those prayers for a miraculous outcome in surgery!

Our Court’s Seminarian, Eugene Udemba’s birthday is on Nov. 6th and I imagine he would love to receive our birthday greetings. Here is his mailing address:

Eugene Udemba Notre Dame Seminary, 2901 South Carrollton Ave., New Orleans, LA, 70118.

Tamale Pre Sales have already begun! New lower price—let your friends and neighbors know! I have attached the flier and order form for you to download. Also NEW is year is Online ordering through our Court’s Website! Here is the website address—check it out!

That’s all for today!

Take care my lovely ladies and continue your prayers for our Court and our Church!

Isabel Campbell ~Regent~

“Give your hands to Serve and your hearts to Love.” Mother Theresa

Regent Isabel Campbell and her son Matthew Campbell
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