Farewell Letter From District Deputy #39 Anna Everage

Dear Court Officers and Members

Dear Court Officers and Members of CDA District #39,

As you probably know by now, I’m retiring as District Deputy at the end of my term in May. If you or anyone you know would like to be a District Deputy for the State of Texas, please let me know. The term of a District Deputy is 2 years, from convention to convention. It’s a very rewarding position, both spiritually and personally. With the 4 courts in District 39, I have made many new friends. If there is anyone who desires to become a State Officer, this is a great first step into the State Court of Texas. Or like me, this is the only step into the State Court of Texas. My contact information can be found at the end of this letter.

The newly elected State Officers from the convention in Texarkana will attend a training in Arizona during the month of July. The State Officers then bring this training to the District Deputies and State Chairmen in early August. The training is held at the Oblate Retreat Center in San Antonio. It begins on Friday and ends on Sunday. All material that is in the Texas Information Notebook is covered. There are meetings and workshops, along with a lot of fun, food and fellowship. There is no cost for this training, but it is mandatory. (Personal Note: this is not a weekend to begin a new diet. They serve dinner on Friday, 3 meals on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday, and the food is wonderful).

I have enjoyed serving as your District Deputy, and I am willing to help by phone, email or in person, anyone who would like to serve in this position. Since my husband and I retired, we’ve been taking short trips in our RV. I always have my phone and my computer with me, so that I can carry on the business of Catholic Daughters. The Regents have been very understanding and patient with me during our travels. However, we would like to take longer trips throughout our beautiful country, and I feel it would be a disservice to continue as District Deputy.

This past year has been rough on everyone. We learned more than we wanted to know about virtual meetings and social distancing. With the vaccine becoming available to more members, maybe we can return to meeting in person soon.

I want to say “thank you” to all Court Officers who have served during my 6 years as District Deputy. You made my job much easier. I will work closely with the new District Deputy as I remain committed to The Catholic Daughters.

May God’s blessings be with each of you and your loved ones.



Anna Everage

District Deputy #39


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