St. Jude Thaddeus, Patron of Hopeless Cases

St Jude is here to remind us that nothing is impossible with God. St Jude, teach me to hope and believe!

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Life’s events sometimes can leave us feeling overwhelmed.  How often does it seem that illness, financial challenge or relationship woes are defeat our spirits? St. Jude, referred to as the worker of miracles, the helper of the hopeless, is here to remind us that nothing is impossible with God, even when it seems that all may be lost. Prayers to St. Jude can offer us hope and strength in these challenging times!

St. Jude was one of the twelve Apostles. The gospels of Mark and Matthew refer to him as Thaddeus (a surname meaning “amiable or “loving”), possibly in part to distinguish him from Judas Iscariot, our Lord’s betrayer! St. Jude is said to have preached the gospel in such regions as Judea, Samaria, Libya, and Mesopotamia, before suffering martyrdom in Armenia, which was then part of Persia.

St. Jude is often shown in drawings holding an image of Jesus in one hand and a club (a symbol of his martyrdom) in the other. Often the Holy Spirit is seen over his head as a tongue of fire (in remembrance of Pentecost when He came upon the apostles).

The following prayer, courtesy of the Dominican Shrine of Saint Jude Dominican Friars, is short and to the point:

Most holy Apostle, Saint Jude Thaddeus, friend of Jesus, I place myself in your care at this difficult time. Help me know that I need not face my troubles alone. Please join me in my need, asking God to send me: consolation in my sorrow, courage in my fear, and healing in the midst of my suffering. Ask our loving Lord to fill me with the grace to accept whatever may lie ahead for me and my loved ones, and to strengthen my faith in God’s healing powers. Thank you, Saint Jude Thaddeus, for the promise of hope you hold out to all who believe, and inspire me to give this gift of hope to others as it has been given to me.

Saint Jude, Apostle of Hope
Pray for us!

Don’t forget this simple prayer to St. Jude the next time life seems to be more than you can handle! Note that, in addition to saying prayers to St. Jude, we are encouraged to engage in charitable works in his name. As St. Leo once said, “Prayer has the greatest efficacy to obtain favors from God when it is supported by works of mercy.” Don’t forget to help someone in need as part of your prayers to St. Jude.

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